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Barbell Back Squat
Level: Intermediate
Type: Strength
Reps: 0
Set Time: 0
Sets: 0
Rest Time: 0
Duration: 35 sec
Movement: Dynamic

Barbell Back Squat

(Optional Progression) - Progress weight when client can achieve 8 perfect reps. To begin, set the bar on a rack so that it is just below shoulder level. Load the bar with the desired amount of weight and step under the bar, placing the back of your shoulders (slightly below the neck) beneath it. Grip the bar in a forward facing grip, breathe in, and lift push through your legs to rise and lift the bar off the rack into a standing position. Make sure to take a few steps backwards, away from the rack before beginning to squat. Stand with your legs at shoulder width with the toes slightly pointed out, and look forward so your back does not arch. Breathe deeply again, and slowly lower the bar by bending the knees and pushing the hips backward until your knees are just above 90-degrees. Inhale and then raise the bar back up to the starting position while pushing through your heels. Repeat.
Uploaded by jgibson@fxstudios.com on 2/12/2014 2:44:32 AM

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