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TRX SL Knee Tuck
Level: Advanced
Type: Strength
Reps: 10
Set Time: 0
Sets: 2
Rest Time: 0
Duration: 36 sec
Movement: Dynamic

TRX SL Knee Tuck

Great strength exercise for hip and core. Can be preformed in push up position or by placing elbows on ground (pad, BOSU, or stability ball). Important to keep the leg that is out of the TRX as straight as possible and have the client try to keep it in the same position for the duration of the movement. Complete one repetition but bringing knee (of the foot that is in the TRX) towards your chest and extend back to straight leg position. Important to note: Do not arch lower back. Can regress exercise by place toe of off foot on the ground while the leg using the TRX goes through the motion. Another regression would be “Knee Tuck” exercise using a stability ball or TRX system.
Uploaded by jgibson@fxstudios.com on 4/15/2014 3:36:02 AM

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