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TRX Single-Arm Row
Level: Intermediate
Type: Strength
Reps: 8
Set Time: 0
Sets: 3
Rest Time: 0
Duration: 41 sec
Movement: Strength

TRX Single-Arm Row

Progression to ‘TRX Row’. This exercise is great for TRX experienced clients who want to get more of a challenge. Important to make sure core is tight during full duration of exercise to ensure correct movement. Keep a constant focus on the Lats, as they are the prime mover of the exercise. Elbow needs to track in a stable position and stay tight to the body. Do not allow elbow to abduct (angle out). Keep knees slightly bent.
Uploaded by jgibson@fxstudios.com on 4/15/2014 3:42:04 AM
