Total Body Core

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Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Lean against a wall, feet out in front of you approximately 12 inches away from the wall, shoulder width apart. Hold dumbbells to your side (palms facing inward). Slowly lower your body from the hips until you reach 90 degrees at the knees. Hold that position, as though you are sitting in a chair. Slowly raise straight arms out in front of your chest (Make sure NOT to lock your elbows, but keep a slight bend in them). Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level and slowly return arms down the starting position by your side (still seated against wall). Repeat.
Level: Advanced
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Level: Beginner
Sets: 3
Reps: 20
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Using a medball or dynomax ball. Start with one hand (right) on the med ball and the opposite hand (left) on the ground. Complete one push up and immediately roll ball from right hand to left. Complete second repetition and roll the ball back to the starting position, continuing this pattern until the desired amont of repetitions are completed. Rolling the ball from one hand to the other insures that the client goes through the full range of motion during the push up exercise. Modification is knees on ground.
Level: Advanced
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 15
Set Time: 45
Stand on one leg and hinge from hips into a forward lean. Hold that position as you lift a pair of dumbbells towards the sky keeping your palms facing back and arms locked. Try not to move from the hips and keep your balance. Switch legs after each set. You wont need a lot of weight for this one.
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 60
Set Time: 60
Lie flat on a bench or the floor. Keeping arms and legs straight, raise both to meet above you in the center of your body. Lift your back off the bench or floor as you reach to your toes. Then lower back to starting position. Use a light kettlebell or dumbbell to increase difficulty.