UA WELL Fit Moms

New and expecting moms: Try this series of exercises!

6 Total Videos - Reorder videos by dragging to a new location.

Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Start with feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward, shoulders back, core tight, and arms out in front of you. Bend your knees and lower your hips until your thighs are parallel to the ground, keeping your weight in your heels. Straighten up, then lift your left leg out to the side. Return to start and alternate the leg lift.
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Stand with feet hip-width apart and hands behind your head. Keep your head up and knees slightly bent as you fold forward until you feel a stretch in the back of your legs. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds. Straighten up and return to start.
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Start on the ground on your hands and knees. Keep your back flat, shoulders back, and neck straight to keep your core muscles tight and strong. Slowly lift left arm forward while extending your right leg behind you, hold 2 seconds, then bring your left elbow into your right knee and repeat. Perform all reps on one side before switching sides.
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Start on the ground on your hands and knees. Inhale as you arch your back, tucking your hips/belly in and chest forward (cow) then hold for 3-5 seconds. Exhale and round your spine, jutting your hips and back out (cat) then hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat. Let your head and neck follow your movements: With cow raise head and look forward, with cat drop head and look down towards your belly.
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Place your back flat against a wall and raise arms above you so shoulders, elbows and finger tips are all touching the wall. Slide fingertips against the wall as you bend your elbows until they pull into your sides, squeezing your shoulder blades. together Slide fingers back to starting position. * Important: Make sure your back stay against the wall and does not arch!
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Stand across from your partner OR in a door frame with your feet hip width apart, knees sllightly bent, and arms out in front of you with palms pressed together. Press the backside of your right hand into the wall or the back of your partners hands, and hold for 10-30 seconds as you contract your abs. Repeat with left hand.