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Spiderman Push Ups
Level: Beginner
Type: Strength
Reps: 0
Set Time: 0
Sets: 0
Rest Time: 0
Duration: 43 sec
Movement: Dynamic

Spiderman Push Ups

Begin in a pushup/plank position with your palms flat on the floor, wrists directly under shoulders and arms fully extended. Lower body to the ground with your elbows out to the sides as your chest lowers to the floor, keeping your body in a straight line. Simultaneously, bring the left knee out to the left elbow, keeping the left leg parallel to the floor. Stop when your chest is almost touching the ground and your knee is as close as possible to your left elbow. Push up with your arms away from the floor and lengthen your left leg backwards, until your body is back at the starting plank position. Repeat movements again, this time bringing your right knee to the right elbow as you lower your chest to the ground, and then push-up back into the starting plank position. Completion of right and left side counts as a single repetition.
Uploaded by jgibson@fxstudios.com on 1/22/2014 11:51:40 PM

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