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TRX Lunge Jumps w/ Reach
Level: Intermediate
Type: Strength
Reps: 12
Set Time: 0
Sets: 3
Rest Time: 60
Duration: 45 sec
Movement: Dynamic

TRX Lunge Jumps w/ Reach

Face away from the TRX and place one foot in the TRX straps, make sure to move a few feet away from the anchor to provide the straps proper tension. Begin by standing tall, stabalizing on the single leg and bracing your core. Slowly reach down and touch the stabalizing foot then jump straight up while reaching hands high, (make sure to bring the knee of the leg that is in the TRX through a full range of motion). Repeat. The jumps should be quick and in a repetitive motion for best results.
Uploaded by jgibson@fxstudios.com on 1/9/2014 4:11:46 AM

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