Burn It

Full body workout using your own body weight and basic gym equipment.

11 Total Videos - Reorder videos by dragging to a new location.

Level: Intermediate
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 60
Set Time: 60
Lie flat on a bench or the floor. Keeping arms and legs straight, raise both to meet above you in the center of your body. Lift your back off the bench or floor as you reach to your toes. Then lower back to starting position. Use a light kettlebell or dumbbell to increase difficulty.
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Level: Intermediate
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
With feet shoulder width apart squat down to where the top of the femur is at least parallel or below the knee. Make sure that the knees track in line with the toes and that the shin and spine angle remain as close to parallel as possible. Maintain a wide chest as you lower your body into the squat making sure you to the dumbbell close to the body. As you being to raise up out of the squat, press the dumbbell over head. Make sure to press straight up and use the full range of motion.
Level: Intermediate
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Begin by standing with feet shoulder width apart holding dumbbells or kettlebells in each hand. Step backwards with one leg (keeping it straight) and bend the knee of the other leg while keeping it in the starting position. Bend both knees and lower into a lunge, raising your arms (keeping them straight) in front of you to shoulder height as you lower your legs. Lower the arms back to your sides and use the back leg to push yourself back to the starting position. Repeat with other leg.
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Lie flat on stomach with forehead resting lightly on the ground. Start with hands above your head. Move hands apart to tap hips and return to start. Keep hands elevated 6" off the ground through the entire exercise!
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Start in a pushup position, your bodyweight supported by your hands and toes. Bring one leg towards the opposite elbow, until the knee is under the hip. Explosively reverse the positions of your legs, (like you are running in a pushup position). Repeat.
Level: Intermediate
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 15
Set Time: 45
Start with performing one push up then walk your feet into your hands without bending your knees. Once you reach the pike position perform another push up keeping your legs straight and hips up. Then walk hands out and perform another push up. The closer your hands and feet are the more challenging it will be to perform a pike pushup.
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 60
Place right foot on a box (or bench) at about knee level and hold a (relatively light) dumbbell in opposite hand. Step straight up and drive knee high to waist level. As your body raises, curl dumbbell. Return back to ground and starting position. Keep same foot on box and explode back up into another repetition.
Level: Advanced
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Pressure on one foot, drive from heel to a standing position. Opposite foot can tap for stabilization. Use arms to balance. Maintain control of body as you lower back down onto bench.
Level: All
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 0
Level: Beginner
Sets: 0
Reps: 0
Rest Time: 0
Set Time: 60
Starting from the Plank position with legs straight, push off one forearm at a time and into a push up position. Lower body back down into plank to complete one repetition. Maintain a strong core through the entirety of movement. Regression may be used by placing knees on the ground.